Yvette Petersen

Coaches' Bio
- Yvette Petersen
Team coaching:
- 2012 U10 Elite 1, Asst. Tech Director Rec Program
Years with BUSC:
- 7
- F License
- DLicense
- Grassroots
Club and HS Coaching:
- 2011 Elite 2 & Select (2020-2021)
- 2013 U8 Youth Development Program 2020-2021
- Asst Recreational Tech DIrector 20014-2019
- Girls JV Coach, Amador Valley HIghSchool 1991-1992
Playing Experience:
- Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association (PGSA) U8 Rec team
- Pleasanton Girls Soccer Association (PGSA)(Comp teams U10-U19)
- Played in the adult Soccer League, on tournament teams
Favorite professional soccer team:
- Women’s National Team
Favorite professional soccer player:
- Mia Hamm
Favorite movie:
- Anything Sports related
Favorite music artist/band:
- Love all Music
Favorite food:
- Mexican and Italian
Favorite memory as a coach:
- My favorite memories as a coach actually are made everyday when I am on the field or at school seeing players. I enjoy giving back, teaching them to love the game and having fun. Building memories together and carrying them on.
Hidden Talent:
- Being an awesome LALA
Email: yvettepeterson@busc.org