Ballistic United Business Community Group up and running!

By Dennis Miller

Earlier this year, the Ballistic United Soccer Club established a program to further enhance doing business with the club, whether it is as a sponsor or a parent that has a son playing in the club.

“The Ballistic United Business Community Group is our latest attempt to connect with our families by giving our parents an opportunity to meet socially and evangelize their businesses,” said BUSC president Scott McMillin. “We will be encouraging our BUSC members to look within the confines of the Club before hiring or partnering with companies outside of membership.”

This wasn’t something that happened overnight, but something that has been talked about for some time and eventually evolving into a functional entity.

“The Board of Directors approved a strategic plan earlier this year and one of our key initiatives is to provide increased transparency,” explained McMillin. “BUSC is striving to remove any barriers between the staff, our customers (parents) and our consumers (players).  We believe a more approachable culture will help us achieve our goals as a team.”

Daniel Montes is a board member at BUSC, with his Ally Building Company a member of the Business Community Club.

They hosted the first mixer for the club in July at the Neighborhood Sports Bar and Kitchen.

“It’s just a matter of providing additional mutual value to our membership,” said Montes. “(The meeting) went well. The turnout was small which is why we want to provide something of value to increase the turn out – business listing for participants, maybe a seminar on something the sponsor can put on of interest to the community, have the mayor or councilmembers come and speak, etc.”

There is a second get-together planned for August, with the final details still to be determined.

Brad Kremer has his company, Brad Kremer Films in the group, said it was an easy decision to join.

“I joined because it seemed like a great opportunity to get to know people/companies in our community of soccer families,” said Kremer. “And networking can only lead to good things!”

For more information, contact Director of Soccer Operations Tevin Jones at

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Dennis Miller